One of the many mantras I live by is “Create what you crave.” Last Fall I found myself craving small group, in-person meditation opportunities, so I began offering them at the Mama Be Well Healing Studio.
Those first experimental meditation classes I offered on Tuesday nights were so beautiful. The women who showed up, the honest sharing that took place, the energy in the room. Soon the phrase “Tuesday night beauty” began running through my mind when I would think of them. So that’s what I’ve decided to call this Tuesday night group moving forward.
Would you like to join us? You can learn more and reserve your spot in upcoming classes below….
I have space for 7 women to join me each Tuesday (trans and non-binary friends included :).
I will guide the group in a meditative grounding process followed by silent meditation time. Then we’ll wrap up by sharing about our experience and setting intentions for the rest of our week. We’ll be done by 8:15pm.
The cost is just $12.
If this appeals to you, you can reserve your spot HERE.
And if you have any questions, or any requests for offering this on a different day/time, please send me an email at
I look forward to seeing who the Universe brings together for this.
Sending peace & Reiki,
© 2021 Mama Be Well LLC